Wednesday 26 December 2012

Training, Weather and Clothes!

Today I went for a bit of Boxing Day Shopping and overheated in the stores. 
It was funny because I realised I was still dressed in my morning "Dog Walking" attire: A turtle neck, a sweater, my fleece pants and my winter jacket. Which is far too many layers for heated and crowded stores.
When I got home I got dressed in my bathing suit, ready to go for a quick dip in the hot tub, when Wash decided he had too much energy and needed to run around NOW!

Of course as a new dog owner, I've had to dash out for puppy pee runs in all manner of clothes, not excluding my Pyjamas. I've even had to leap out of the shower (wet hair and all), toss on a shirt and pants and run out in my bare feet, but today all I had were my father's old running shoes and a bathing suit... and let me just say, the winter weather was a tiny bit chilly!

Wash is in his glory running around in the snow, I'm quite cold but happy to play and Kaylee (on the steps of the Gazebo) thinks we're both nuts and just wants to go inside.

Happy Boxing Day!


Tuesday 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from myself and Washburn!

Wash is really enjoying the Holidays. Lots of car travel, lots of new people to meet, and lots of cats! This weekend he was outnumbered, 1 Wash to 5 Cats! And it went really well, I am very proud of my pup!

Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! Drive safe, stay warm, enjoy your family and enjoy bringing in the new year.


Friday 21 December 2012


My newest discovery as a dog owner is how much you have to pack when getting ready to travel.

Currently my version of traveling is an overnight trip to my grandparents' place for Christmas. Not over the top, not a long trip and not even very far. One night. 20 hours total, and this is what I'm bringing. (please note that my puppy is still only 11 weeks old, so some of this is superfluous for an older dog, and probably a little in excess anyway. I'll re-evaluate my list after the trip to see what I could have left at home and what I forgot to bring.)

1- A Crate.
Originally in choosing Wash's crate I was looking for something that was functional in my place, and would collapse for easy travel. The one I'm borrowing is exactly that- but HUGE. Fortunately, as an early Christmas present my parents bought Wash a smaller, collapsible, cloth crate. Which will travel perfectly.

2- Leash.
3- Food Bowls.
4- Towel.
Dogs get dirty. Especially curly haired ones, and they get wet in the snow! Gotta be ready for the post walk clean up!
5-Blankets x2
One blanket goes in his crate, the other gets draped over top so that he can't see and doesn't complain when I leave the room. He likes his dark little cave.
6- Toys.
7- Cleaners.
I'm bring de-oderizing cleaners. One for carpets, and one for tile flooring.
8- Extra poop bags.
9- FOOD!
(Believe it or not, I missed this in my original list...)

It's unbelievable, I feel like a parent packing their kid for camp!


Wash update:

-11 weeks old
-still heavily licking everything, so i am changing up his food in the hopes that his new food will give him all the nutrients he needs.
-teething and enjoys chew toys

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Puppies, Dogs, Owners, the Generic Public and Allergi

I have never allowed a dog to lick my face, and am currently trying to train Wash not to.
I have been told that this is weird, odd and I've had people ask me "Why do you bother?" and  beyond the simple answer of "I know that they clean themselves with that tongue" the answer is easy, because of allergies.

I mentioned in my last post that most dog toothpaste is  flavoured with Peanut Butter but unfortunately that's not the only thing to be on the look out for. Some dog foods, but mainly many dog treats (especially home made treats) are flavoured with peanut butter. These are fairly easy to deal with for your with dog- just make sure you take the same care reading the ingredients to your dog's food as you do to your own.

Where it becomes tricky is when it comes to other people's dogs. You have no control over what other dog owners feed their pets, so I would just suggest you avoid letting a stranger's dog lick you.

Strangers often see a dog and leap at the opportunity to give it a treat. If you have concerns, whether for yourself or perhaps your dog has an allergy of its own, kindly explain that your dog doesn't eat treats but instead they could pat your dog.

I had a friend who was walking her dog and a stranger walked up and fed her puppy a reeses peanut butter cup without asking or thinking about what she had just fed the dog. Not only was it peanut butter but it was a human treat that contained chocolate- which is toxic for dogs, not to mention small puppies.I feel that I need to mention that the puppy was fine, but his owner was very upset. KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR STRANGERS.

Many owners will suggest putting a big glob of peanut butter on the inside of a dog's Kong toy to give them an extra treat and challenge but if you're like me and that doesn't work for you some people suggest cheese wiz, but since cheese dulls a dog's nose, I just use some doggy toothpaste.

If you have an allergy, any allergy, then you know that generally speaking people are in the dark about how serious it can be and especially don't consider them when feeding their dog. You don't have to avoid other dogs, just be aware :)

Maybe I should get Wash a little nut free tag to go on his collar, specially if I'm going to get him certified as a therapy dog.


Monday 17 December 2012

Home for 2 weeks

So, Wash and I have been together for 2 weeks already.

It's amazing how fast time passes when your every waking moment is focused on a troublesome pup. To be perfectly honest Wash isn't that much of a trouble maker, and as far as puppies come, he's a bright little boy, who just wants to know the ground rules.

He now sits at the sound of a snap (unless there are mountains of distractions around) and stays when I show him my palm (like a "stop") until I slap my thigh twice signalling him to "come". He can stay comfortably for 30 seconds so far, and for a 10 week old puppy, with a small attention span I'm really impressed.

He is also letting me bush his teeth, clip his nails and even trim the long, unruly hairs around his face. Of course all of these must be done with the proper equipment- please do not give Human toothpaste to Dogs. It can be very harmful to them, and the Dog toothpaste is designed to keep cleaning even after you stop brushing.

**Please be advised IF YOU HAVE A NUT ALLERGY: Most dog toothpaste is "Peanut butter flavoured" and uses natural peanut flavour. ** But there is an alternative for pet owners who want a Peanut Free Dog with Healthy Teeth and Good Breath, there are other less popular flavours such as Poultry (Wash has the Poultry Flavoured one- and he LOVES it)

Also, please use be very careful about grooming your dog, there is a reason there are certified groomers. They are taught what different breeds need for grooming, and how to do it properly. If you choose to do some at home maintenance like me, please use proper grooming safety scissors, and be VERY careful. Puppies and Dogs squirm and twitch, you do not want to accidentally hurt your pup, so make sure he or she is calm, and has sniffed the instrument you are using. Also move the tool about, snip the air, and get the pup used to the sounds it makes. Take it slow :)

With it being winter, the ground and the air are getting wetter and the typical "Wet Dog Smell" is becoming increasingly likely. Wash and I go outside and we both get covered in mud, and salt, and sweat, but the big difference between us is that I can hop in the shower when I get home, Wash shouldn't. Because of the essential oils in their coats it is highly recommended that you don't shower your dog any more than 1 time a month. I use a wet towel (without any soap or shampoos that would dry out his skin and hair) and clean him off that way, but there is a "Dog Deodorant" which isn't as ridiculous as it sounds. It's a spray that doesn't dry out the dog's coat, and makes them smell nice. Nice and simple.

Right now Wash is a very happy puppy and I can't wait for the next 2 weeks to be over, if only because then he'll have his second set of shots and be able to be socialized with other dogs!


Wash Update:

-10 weeks old
-eyes still foggy at night
-goes on several short walks a day (no long walks yet)
-umbilical training
-sit/ stay
-getting used to generic grooming maintenance

Friday 14 December 2012

Home for a week

Well, Wash is settled in and I couldn't be happier!

He's a healthy boy, who seems to keep growing in front of my eyes. Every morning I wake up and he looks taller, more co-ordinated, and his tail even looks longer! (I understand that it's just his hair that's growing and making his tail look longer, but wow!)

We have been teaching each other a lot in the past week. I'm currently without Internet, so I can't update as much as I would like to, but perhaps that is for the best until I get over my "OMGMYDOGISSOCUTELOOKATHIM" phase.

Among the biggest things we are learning are:

Me: Puppy Pee Schedule- Seriously, plot this. Write down every time he drinks and every time he pees or poops. I haven't, but I am with him constantly and I have gotten to know the signs- but it would be much easier if I had it written out so I could start to anticipate him and avoid accidents. Wash is really great at letting me know when he has to go out, but I am going to start plotting is bathroom schedule ASAP.

Wash: Wash is learning to let me know when he has to go out. He is getting used to the rules around the house: no biting, no barking, don't lick the table legs etc.

Wash: is also learning how to walk on a leash. We started umbilical training late last week, and he is learning to watch me, and pay attention to me when we go outside. He is very aware of cars and  always sits when a car is passing. He is still very shy with new people, but he's a puppy and I'm OK with him taking his time to get to know people.

Wash: Socialization with other animals is hard at this age. He's 10 weeks old today, and hasn't had his 2nd set of shots yet, which means that socializing him with other dogs is dangerous because they could be carrying things that could make him really sick or even kill him. So until his next vet visit I am socializing him with cats :)

So far he is really well behaved around cats. He's cautious, but curious about them and has made a friend with my family's cat (his Firefly name buddy) Kaylee. They aren't playing together yet, but Kaylee stays close to him. She is genuinely intrigued by him :) and he loves her.

We're teaching each other a lot and I am feeling so lucky to have this little man in my life right now!


Wash Update:

-9 weeks old
-eating hard kibble
-started sit/ stay training- His attention span in very short at this age
-socialization with people and cats- no dogs yet
-short walks. He likes to get out, but his bones are still growing, so he shouldn't do long hard walks yet

Friday 30 November 2012

4 days

Wash had his first visit to the Vet's this week.

I wasn't there but I heard he was a very well behaved little pup. His breeder says he got a clean bill of health from the Vet, along with his 1st set of shots.

When I pick him up on Tuesday I'll be getting the papers from Wash's breeder as proof that the Vet gave him a clean bill of health, the proof he's had his shots and the insurance that comes with him.
When you bring home your puppy, don't forget the paperwork. Lots of trainers, Vets, Breeders etc will require and request a paper trail of your dog's health. Proof of vaccination is particularly important for obedience classes.

Today makes Wash 8 weeks old. I can't believe I've only known him 8 weeks. I am so blessed to have an amazing breeder who has let me visit him so much and who keeps me in the loop about everything that Wash gets up to. There are families who haven't visited since the first week that they picked out their dog.
At 8 weeks puppies should get their 2nd deworming, so I have to make sure he's had his 2nd deworming when I pick him up.

I have everything I think I need, with the exception of a dog tag. I'm all ready, and Tuesday can't come fast enough.


Wash Update:

-eating hard kibble
-completely weaned from mom
-been crate training for nearly 2 weeks
-nearly house broken
-had his 1st set of vaccinations
-should have his 2nd deworming treatment

All of his siblings are being picked up Saturday and Sunday, while Wash will have a couple days just with his mom and the breeder before I pick him up. It'll break my heart, but I think it's best for him. It'll give him time to adjust to life without his siblings before I pick him up and take him to a new house. Also, having time just him and his mom should be an interesting experience for a puppy. He'll know  that even though his siblings are gone, it's still ok- hopefully it'll help ease him into the transition to being the only puppy at home.

7 Days!

One week left until I pick up my pup!

I am terrified and extremely excited to bring Wash home. 

I know I'll never truly be "ready" for what to expect with him, but I am so excited to start learning. I've talked to everyone I can talk to and picked the brains of my fellow dog owners, puppy owners, trainers, vets and anyone who is willing to share any bit of insight with me. Now all I have to do is the practical work.
I have to live up to my own expectations as a dog owner. If anyone has heard me talk about my hopes for my dog, it's nothing compared to my hopes of myself as a caregiver.

7 more days, then I get to bring him home. Wash is getting his first set of shots tomorrow and I wish I was there. I know I'll be there for every other visit to the vet's but I still want to be there. I'll hear from his breeder soon and get an update on his health and his weight. 


Sunday 25 November 2012

Early Christmas

I can't visit this week because all the pups are getting their first set of shots, so instead she sends me this.

I love my breeder :)


Thursday 22 November 2012

Week 7 & Puppy Play Date

Today the lovely LNK and I went to visit Wash and his siblings.

Wash's breeder had said to bring our jackets because the pups are exploring now, and she would have them outside to explore with us. As it turned out, the weather was gorgeous, and the jackets only slowed us down when we were chasing after a herd of waddling puppies. We had them out 3-4 at a time, Wash being out the whole visit, exploring and playing.

It's a bit disheartening to realize that outside, people are no longer the most exciting thing to a puppy, but they were nice enough to go explore for a bit, then come back for cuddles.

When we arrived the puppies were in a pen and all jumped up to greet us- much to our enjoyment.

Wash was very friendly this week. He came right up to me, nuzzled and nibbled my hand and bounced away to explore a blade of grass that had distracted him from me. He's still silent. I heard him make a low growl when he was fighting his brother for a toy, but otherwise, no noise. (I'm sure that won't last long).
His eyes seem to be getting clearer. Wash and the other pups were able to focus on us while we were playing, and came when we clapped our hands, waived or called.

I really missed seeing him last week. The little thing really isn't that small any more. The litter currently shares the house with a mature miniature poodle named Tess, and Wash is already the same size as her, 7 weeks vs 7 years, and they're the same size..... Wash's breeder keeps saying he'll be small for a doodle, but if I look at his paws I'd say he's going to be a big guy!

Lots of playtime, then lots of sleep.


B7 Update:
-Eating dry kibble, wet with a little warm water to soften it
-Eyes getting clearer
-Very steady on their legs
-Getting curious, liking to explore
-Mostly house broken
-Weaned from their mom
-Already getting starting crate training
-1st set of shots next Wednesday!

Monday 19 November 2012

And the name is...

*Drum roll*

I recently decided I wanted to make a custom painted dog bowl for my pup. I know it`s not financially clever, but I wanted to, so I did.

If you know the character Hoban Washburn from the show Firefly, or the movie Serenity, you should remember his Dinosaur friends.

If not, watch this clip :)


Thursday 15 November 2012

Week 6

The puppies are nearly 6 weeks old!

I can't visit this week, but B7's breeder was kind enough to send me pictures as an update! It's really hard not getting to see my pup every week, and yet, she has said that there are some of the pups owners who have not visited since they reserved their pup.
I just cannot imagine! You make a commitment to your dog, and then leave it completely alone until the day they are ready to go and expect your pup to have an easy transition? The dog won't even know them, won't necessarily be comfortable with them and they're going to pluck them from their mom and siblings and expect everything to be ok?
Sorry. They will be fine, I'm just happy that B7 and I already have such a great bond. Hopefully that means that in 2.5 weeks, we'll have an easier transition than some of the other puppies and puppy parents.

These puppies are so cute, and so amazing already, it's a shame their owners don't get to experience this. B7's breeder is amazing because she's allowed me to visit whenever I can and gives me regular updates about him. I've seen him grow up since week 1, and I've seen how much he has changed. I'm really very lucky.

B7's getting so big!

and here's the family shot!
Here we go (I hope I can tell the pups apart): No name, Jasper, Kay (is yellow, she took Jasper's collar), Red, Sadie, No name and B7.
That's a smart looking group!

I can't wait to visit next week!


B7 Update:

-The pups are officially weaned off of their mother!
-They are eating softened kibble and real puppy kibble
-Eyes should be mostly clear
-Learning to use a puppy door to relieve himself outside (Yay smart dog!)

Also, I'm 98% settled on a name.

Which name do you think it'll be?

Saturday 10 November 2012


I'm still learning a lot about grooming a dog.

I am not a groomer and I will be taking B7 to a trained groomer but between visits I'd like to be able to trim his nails myself, trim the hairs by his ears, between the pads on his feet, and trim the hair by his eyes if it ever gets too long between visits to the groomer. (this depends on a lot of patience, and trust between myself and B7 which we will build over time.

I've known that brushing, and combing is really important with curly breeds but one of the things I heard recently is that some groomers are taught to pluck the hairs out of the ears of poodles and poodle crossed dogs. I've only heard this from one source so far, and have to do some more research, but to me that sounded unnecessary. If I can keep the hair around and under his ears short then it shouldn't need to be plucked which could potentially cause infections. It also sounds needlessly painful... poor dogs.

More research to be done!


To Do list: -put together my puppy kit:
-poop bags

Friday 9 November 2012

Week 5

My weekly visit with the pups today was a wonderful escape from the daily headache that is my life right now- literally, can't get rid of my headache. I blame the weather. 

My mind is riddled with thoughts of rent, work, puppy training, Christmas, my budget, eating healthy, a new workout schedule and trying to keep some free time for a social life (and of course some time to write) that I've barely had a restful night's sleep in the past several weeks. My brain is too busy, and the sight of B7 just washed all of those thoughts away. (That's funny if you've been keeping up with my running list of puppy names). 

Only a few of the pups came out to visit with me today. B7, Jasper, Red and the other sister (not Sadie). 
The breeder has started separating the pups for short periods of time. While half the litter was with me and the breeder playing together, the rest were outside in a pen with their mother. 

This week it was the shy little girl pup that came out to say hi first. She is the one who is so curly that she permanently has a mohawk on her head. She was very excited to see me and brought Red over to say hi too. 

B7, (and his siblings) although still a little clumsy had their hind legs under control a bit better this week. Their front legs are still uncoordinated when they're trying to get a toy, but they are much more steady on their feet.  I am really impressed that B7 is still silent. I haven't heard a noise from him. Most of the pups snore, or cry or whine occasionally, B7 just seems permanently content. 

They're still babies, so they play for a couple minutes, then take a nap, then play for a bit, then nap again. 

B7 had a nice long snooze in my lap while I was testing his assertiveness. 
             -One of the tests I've read up on to see if a pup will be more dominant, or submissive is to put them on their back, and see if they struggle. Naturally dominant pups tend to wiggle, and fight to right themselves, whereas the more laid back dogs will sit there and look up at you curiously for a bit before wiggling. 
B7 was so comfortable on his back in my lap that he passed out. 

While he was dozing: I played with his legs, his paws, his ears, his lips, checked out his teeth, all to see how tolerant he was. He woke up a few times; specially when I was playing with his mouth, then looked at me as if to say "What?" before falling asleep again and I moved his feet around. 

The breeder was watching me and was impressed that I knew how important it is to get your puppy used to being handled. 
B7 is part poodle, and as part poodle he'll need regular grooming on top of regular doggy exams. I will be trimming his nails throughout his life, and brushing his teeth, his groomer will have to handle him to shave him down, and vets will have to handle him to thoroughly complete their exams, so he might as well start getting used to it at a young age. 

(waking up after I played with his lips to check his teeth)
(passed out again when I started playing with his paws)

He may not look huge in the pictures, but he's growing so fast!


B7 Update:
-5 weeks
-Eating softened kibble
-will start being weaned from his mom very soon
-his eyes are clearing up more. He can focus on me from a few feet away, but is still unable to focus on anything in another room
-Back legs are steady
-Still easily tired
-Beginning to be house broken. Already know not to soil their bed, to pee on the training mats, and go to the door when their mom is around
-had their first 3 dewormings last week
-B7 is still timid, but will quietly separate from the pack to slowly explore on his own. A brave, curious pup. 

-I'm looking for training classes that don't use treats. I don't want to train with treats, who will let me work with my pup, in their class without treats?

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Sleepy Dogs

As I await my weekly update from B7's breeder, I'd like to show off how handsome my pup already is.
These were taken back at 4 weeks (this Friday he'll be 5 weeks). 

At this point he's still cautious, calm and quiet. I still haven't heard him make a sound. 
His eyes were still having trouble focusing more than a foot in front of him, and he was very uncoordinated. Like toddlers, he tripped over his feet a lot. 

Over the half an hour I spent with him I caught B7 napping 3 times. At this point the puppies wake up long enough to crawl out of their crate, pee on the mat, sniff and cuddle a bit before falling asleep again. 
Here are my favourite pictures of an exhausted B7. 

(this is my favourite) ---^

Aren't they cute?


B7 Update 4.5 weeks:
-Baby teeth (including molars) 
-Pups are eating softened kibble
-a little over 4 lbs
-have had their 1st 3 de-worming treatments

I'll update you more when I hear from the breeder, or go to see B7. 

Puppy names in contention: 
-Pippin (pip)

Sunday 4 November 2012

Reading materials

In an earlier post I referenced the books I am reading to prepare myself for owning, raising and caring for a puppy and eventually a dog.
The book I'm finding the most helpful are:

1-Brad Pattison's UNLEASHED
It is a wonderful book, written by an inspiring dog trainer and trainer of dog owners. He illustrates for the reader WHY dogs do the things that they do, so that you can understand them better and fulfil their needs. It's a fantastic read, and it's funny too. Brad Pattison also has a show At the end of my leash. It's full of tips and tricks for owners who cannot stop a dog behaviour, or who are getting a new dog. 

Next on my list I have,
2-A Breed specific book: Golden Doodles
This book outlines general qualities of the breed. Average size, weight, exercise level, coat, grooming needs, health problems, and anything else an owner might ever want to know about the Golden Doodle, including its' origins.

3-The Last Dog Training Book You'll Ever Need
This book is all about training. How to house break your dog. How to crate train. How to train the dog not to jump on furniture, and anything else you would ever want to learn about training. Pretty obvious by the title.

The last book on my list, and probably the one I re-read most often is:
4- The Everything New Puppy Book
This book title is also fairly self explanatory. It covers everything you could ever encounter with a new dog. It's been my life preserver over the past 2 months; it keeps me afloat when I panic over some minor detail I hadn't considered.

At the end of the day, my best advice to any future dog owners is to do your research. Go to the library and take out a few books. Don't trust just one book, and if there's something a book suggests you do, but you don't agree, then either don't do it, or ask others (another dog owner, a trainer or a Vet) for their opinion. These books are guides, not rules.

Happy research!


Next on my research list is: Finding the right Dog Training School
And Agility Competitions vs Flyball

Saturday 3 November 2012

Week 4

After 2 weeks of anticipation, I saw the puppies today!

They are growing so fast. They have out grown their ribbon identifiers and have little coloured collars now. I was so excited to see my B7 with his open eyes and his teeth that one of the first things I did when he finally toddled over to me was to gently pull up his lip to see his teeth for myself!
His eyes are still quite hazy, so they look blue in the light, but if you look carefully you can see gorgeous brown irises.
I was a little disappointed when I came into the house to see B7 and he didn't run up to me and say hi. Then I remembered:
1- he's never "seen" me before
2- he's still learning to explore, so he's shy
3- his eyes aren't fully developed so he can't focus on objects more than 6" away (roughly)
4- he's still a baby dog and isn't running anywhere!

I settled on the ground outside the pen and crate set up for them and waited for the pups to come to me. They were sleepy, slow and unsteady, but cautiously curious. B7 was the last to come out of his crate and the last to say hi to me, but he was very excited once he recognized my smell. He hung around me a bit, and visited the breeder and then went off to visit my mom and grandmother who had come with me today.

The puppies were very curious, but easily startled. I noticed B7 in particular would fall over, or retreat from loud noises (apparently I thought his brother was cute, and I made a noise he disapproved of) and fast movements. The breeder said that since they cannot focus well yet, fast movements appear even stranger and more abrupt and startling to these young pups. I had to be very careful to stay calm and quiet for the rest of the visit.

I brought a list of puppy names, and only a few seemed to really stick:
-Gunner <- paintball name the breeder picked out (She's wonderfully clever)

I really liked the name Jasper, but one of the black males was already named Jasper- he's the big one walking around like Eeyore with the yellow collar in the video. He looks sad because it's a new collar and he thinks it's heavy :p I got him playing later and he forgot all about the collar.  

watch the video below, and enjoy the cuteness. There are two light pups in this litter and 5 black. The golden one is NOT B7, she's a girl named Sadie. B7 is the almost white one. When they're side by side it's easy to tell them apart. Also, B7 and Sadie are very close. It'll be sad when they go to separate homes.

B7 Update:
-He has molars now! Kibble food next week!
-His eyes are open, and he can focus on things close to him, like a toy, but cannot focus far away (Like the person holding the toy) So puppies get really in your face to explore.
-Movement is good. Wobbly and unsteady but determined and persistent.
-Co-ordination is still poor, tripping over things a lot.
-Still silent. His brothers make a sharp "Yap" once in a while, but mostly still just grunts and squeaks.
-Starting to explore, easily spooked by fast movements and loud noises.
-The mother has started taking some personal time away from the pups. They are big and needy.
-On top of soft food, they still feed from mom. (Now the pups are so big she must stand to feed them, no more lying down.)

Thursday 1 November 2012

Puppy Names

To be perfectly honest, choosing the right puppy name has been the hardest task in the whole process of getting a dog. It's dreadful!
I have known B7 for close to 4 weeks now. I've seen him several times and still, every time I show someone a picture of him they ask,
"He's so cute. What's his name?"
and I've responded with a prolonged pause "...."

The thing is, I have many names I have thought of, but B7 is so young, that his personality hasn't had a chance to develop. I feel like I can't get a name to stick yet, because the last times I've seen him he's only been a cuddly, little lump. Now, he has his puppy teeth, he can see and he's very good at toddling around- he's practically a real dog!

I see him Friday, and will be testing out a few names to see if they fit.

In no particular order, my list is so far (with inspiration):

-Pippin (LOTRs)
-Pan (Peter Pan)
-Whistler (Blade or the mountain)
-Jasper (Ski mountain)
-Wash (Firefly)
-Westley (TNG)
-Archer (Stargate: Atlantis)
-Apollo (BSG)
-Helo (BSG)
-Thor (Marvel)
-Jarvis (Ironman)
-Hopper (Paintball)
-Finn/Finnigan (HP)

I desperately want to name him Cyrano, or Jean-Valjean... but those don't roll off the tongue easily...

Name suggestions are welcome! The Nerdier, the better :)


Fun Fact of the day:
Puppies need several shots to fight against illness: Parvo and rabies to name a couple.
1 set of shots should be done at 8 weeks (before you get your pup)
4 weeks later, at 12 weeks your pup needs her 2nd set of shots
4 weeks after that, at 16 weeks your pup will need her 3rd and final puppy vaccinations.
Some vets will try to split up the 3rd set of shots, and make a "4th" appointment for shots. This then charges you and extra "exam fee" for the extra appointment.
Watch out for that... You don't want to spend more money on your pup, or put your dog through more stress if you can avoid it.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Getting Prepared

Getting prepared to bring home a puppy means getting in the mind set of "I have to care for a dog."

What I did to get in the mind set: I started thinking like a dog owner.

What do I need to buy?  I made a list of items I thought the puppy would need. (For example: Food and water bowls) Then I thought of the different ways I could satisfy that need.
-water and food bowls; Plastic, versus Stainless Steel
Plastic is cheap- can be bought at a dollar store, is light and easily upturned by enthusiastic eaters (causing a mess)
Stainless steel is more expensive- bought at any pet supply store, heavy, harder to overturn, often available with a raised "platform" for big dogs to avoid inhaling food and bloating.

My verdict, heavy dishes are sturdier, less likely to be used instead of a chew toy, can be raised to promote better eating habits. I'll buy one set of Sturdy dog food dishes and they should last him several years. Expensive at first, but worth it.

Other items I thought of:
-ID  tags
-training collar
-a wire crate
-dog bed
-grooming tools

 Then I went through the list and realised I needed to research different kinds of dog toys.
I also realised I could make a dog bed.

Then I thought of things I needed for the puppy, like book shelves to get my books off the floor. Hangers to hang up my clothes, Tupperware to organize my craft stuff- generally things to help "Puppy Proof" and keep the dog safe in my house. Some people like to get gates to keep the dog safely out of certain rooms. That won't work in my apartment, but is something to consider for the future.
I also had to think of all the chewing hazards I have lying around my house, such as printer cables, my phone charger and my Paintball bag or Squash bag.

 Budget your purchases
In the planning stages, before I reserved B7, I looked at my income and my spending to see if I could afford a dog. I took into consideration the price of a pup from a breeder, food, training classes, daycare, litter bags, toys and supplies and anticipated vet bills- with the knowledge that accidents happen and I could and up with a major (or minor) vet bill at any time.
The Pup was a set price and easily calculated.
The Vet bills are somewhat uncertain, even though I went to several veterinary offices and asked for their exam fees, blood test fees, consultation fees, immunisation fees, heart worm and flea treatment costs and fees for neutering. ( I have a very good price list) but unforeseen bills can come up, so the  vet bills are still hard to anticipate.

Where I knew I could save money was on the other supplies. I set myself a budget for "Puppy toys", Crate, Material for a dog bed, etc...

Once I had a list of supplies I needed and a budget, I asked myself:
Where do I buy it?
And so I started to Price shop! I looked for bargains and compared deals.Certain items like the Crate I looked for on Kijiji. (as long as the crate is cleaned before B7 uses it, there shouldn't be any issue using a "pre-owned" crate.)

I put my feet to the pavement and literally went Pet store to Pet store (even Walmart) looking at prices. I took pictures of all the price tags and compared them side by side later.


Next research: Dog Foods

Happy Halloween

You know you have a great breeder when on top of her weekly up dates she emails you something like this.

Look at that face!

Happy Halloween from B7!

-Nearly 4 weeks old
-Adorable in a pumpkin



Tonight I received an email from B7's breeder.

She gave me a quick update on my boy, and apparently today he and his siblings had their first mush meal today (since they finally have teeth). TEETH!

I don't know why, but this realization made me so excited! Should I really be this excited about my pup's first "Mush Food" meal? Which I'm told he LOVED, by the way. Ugh. I'm going to have to work hard not to spoil him.

The new diet my pup is on, and the fact that he now has teeth is so exciting for me. He's becoming a real dog! Open eyes, toddling around and chewing. Next time I see him he won't just be a fat lump for me to cuddle, I'll actually be able to see a bit of his personality. Maybe I'll even be able to settle on a name.

*Cross your fingers*
(no pictures today :( Pictures tomorrow!)

So, as an update:

- Male
-3.5 weeks old
-(lbs TBA)
-eyes open, but vision is still blurry
-baby teeth, growing in
-mobility, still shaky, but mobile

Recent research:
-Where to find puppy classes? Petsmart offers puppy orientation classes. 1 class, pre puppy, about "What to do before you bring home your pup" and then introductory socialization classes and beginner obedience classes.
There are plenty of other puppy and dog training classes and schools, like "Good Dog". Try google, or ask local vets for their recommendations.

-Who offers cheaper/better puppy classes? Smaller dog schools often offer smaller classes, with more specialized training for you and your pup, but cost a bit more than the "Big Name" stores.

-What age should my pup be before attending a puppy class? My breeder, vets, and everyone I've talked to (including Petsmart employees) have told me not to bring a pup to a puppy class until he or she has had her 3rd round of shots, which means 16 weeks. Everything that your pup is vaccinated against is highly communicable, and it's hard to guarantee that other pet owners have kept their dog's shots up to date. You don't want your pup to get sick because he played with a puppy who was carrying a disease do you? That's also one of the reasons you shouldn't take your pup to the dog park before it is fully immunised.

Week 3

Week 3 I was working too much and didn't have time to visit B7.

His breeder was very nice and kept sending me updates! Here's the latest picture from her. It's B7 and his golden sister.

Apparently his eyes are open, but I haven't seen them yet. I wonder what colour they'll be!?!?!

Size comparison.... B7 looks a lot bigger than his brothers and sisters.


Research this week was reading!
'Unleashed' by Brad Pattison
"Golden Doodle" Breed Book
"Everything New Puppy Book"

Next week is "Good Dog- The Last Dog Training Book You'll Ever Need"

Update soon on Vets, Bills, and crate pricing.

Week 2

I brought mom to visit B7 on week 2.

I wanted to establish her scent early.
B7 already recognised me and settle immediately in my lap, but mom is going to be the master of her house, so I wanted B7 to know her early and get used to her being around. Also, my mother wanted to meet the pup I kept talking about.

Here are a few pictures from my second visit. There wasn't much to say except that we all bonded well and I couldn't believe how much he had grown in a week!

 cuddling mom while I try to prevent myself from dying due to cuteness exposure

When mom had finished her time getting to know him, I took him back and placed him on his back. ( know he's young, and I'll keep doing it when I visit) but putting a dog on their back tests whether they are likely to be dominant or submissive. If the pup sits still, they are very submissive, if they squirm and try to sit up, they are likely a dominant type of dog. Neither is necessarily bad, I just wanted to see what I can expect from him. And as I had anticipated, he lay back quietly. 
At the 2 week mark the pups had just started to open their eyes. The breeder told me their eyes may start opening but they won't be fully able to see until week 4. Right now I am still just a smell, I don't think I'm even a blurry outline yet.

In anticipation that he wouldn't recognise me by sight, I have made sure to wear the same sweater every time I visit B7. That way my scent is consistent and familiar. (I also make sure to cuddle my parents' cats before hand so that he gets used to their scents as well)


B7 Update:
-2 weeks
-eyes just opening, no vision yet
-Mobility is poor, he is unsteady on his feet and cannot support himself, instead he moves around by dragging himself and lots of squirming
-still feeding from his mother
-makes small noises like a guinea pig


B7 is just a nickname.

I've grown tired of calling him "the puppy" or "dog" while I wait for him to grow up enough to show me his personality and then find a suitable name.

For those of you who know me well (i mean really well) you'll know that since I was 14, the Letter/ Number combination has followed me EVERYWHERE. It haunts me, and teases me, surprises me and has become a bit of a lucky number.

When I first met the puppies, B7 stood out to me. He was the only light blond pup in a little of black puppies, with a deep golden sister.

It wasn't until the second time I visited him that I realized he was the 7th, of 7 pups to be born.
He was "B"londe and the 7th, He was mine("B"randolyn's) and the 7th. He was B7!!!

And then the nickname stuck. Simple as that.


-Comparative dog foods. Which food is healthier? Why?  If you are unsure, Petsmart has dog food reps visit their stores every week to talk about the benefits of their products and will answer any questions!

-Compare dog food prices.   Compare weight, price, and ingredients. The more nutrients in the food, the less food the dog will eat (in Theory), so the longer the bag of food will last. So.... expensive food, with more nutrients, or cheap food that will take more food to fill and satisfy your dog? Weigh your options.

-Compare types of puppy toys and treats.  Rope toys are good for teething, but must be maintained (pull off excess strings so the puppy doesn't swallow them, it;s a toy, not food). Tennis balls are bad for a dog's gums. Pig's ears can have sharp edges that can cut a dog's oesophagus. Cheap toys can break and be a choking hazard, and sometimes have harmful dyes. You wouldn't give your child a toy to play with covered in lead based paint, so why not take similar precautions with your dog's toys?

Meet B7

In the middle of October, once I had firmly decided that I could afford a dog, I started to look for a breeder.

I have been researching breeds for YEARS. I have been comparing sizes, coats, activity level, social needs, grooming needs, coats, etc... and finally settled on a breed.

"Ideally" I am looking for a:
-docile (good around children)
-non-shedding/ hypo allergenic dog.

(Not too much to ask for right?)

I settled on a Golden Doodle. The name may sound silly, but the dog is not. It's it a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle, combining the best traits of each breed.
A friend of mine has two beautiful Doodles, and I have loved the breed ever since meeting them. These two dogs are happy, fun loving, hypo-allergenic gentle giants. PERFECT. 

Once I had picked a breed, the next step (After further budget revision, and extension: Doodles (mixed with a Standard Poodle can be big dogs, so be prepared to "Biggy Size" everything: Crates, beds, food, vet bills) is to find a Breeder.
Local Vets can offer help.
Dogs Magazine is full of lists of breeders by dog breed.
Online there are Breed specific "Societies" that can help you find breeders.
And the most reliable source to find a breeder from is a family friend who has bought from that breeder before and recomends the bloodline or trusts the skills of the breeder.

Contrary to my advice, I found a post on Kijiji, announcing a new litter of Doodle pups, and after seeing their pictures (They were new borns and teeny tiny) I couldn't resist contacting the breeder for more information.

I will go into detail about my expectations from a breeder, and how amazing B7's breeder is in a later post, but for now you just need to know that I visited the breeder, asked lots of questions, met the mom, met the pups and found a soulmate in this pup.

This is B7 at less than a week old. This was the picture on the ad that made my heart do funny flips in my chest and urged me to contact the breeder. He was born October 5th 2012.

This is him at 1week, sitting on my lap, perfectly content. His mom is sitting right by my face demanding love and affection from me while I'm trying to get to know B7.

This is still at 1 week old. I call this picture "Mr Tubs" because you can see how chubby his little bum is. He's 7 days old and already nearly 4lbs. (HMR, please correct the weight if I got it wrong, you were there and have a better memory than me) All I know was at 1 week old, B7 was nearly heavier than my friend HMR's 6 month old Yorkie/Poodle cross.

That's it for now! I'll explain the nick name B7 soon.


-Golden Doodle Breed- Needs and Care
-How much are the anticipated Vetrinary bills (shots, checkups, neutering)?
-How to find a good Vet


I'm getting a dog!

This blog is to help me organize all my thoughts and research. Getting a dog is a lot of work, and through this blog I am going to outline my process. Everything from initial research, budgeting, finding the perfect breed, re-budgeting, finding a breeder, finding a vet, training, dog owner homework etc..

This is the story of me, Brandolyn, and my adventure trying to raise B7. (The puppy doesn't have a name yet, so until further notice, I will refer to my pup as B7.)

Please note, that I reserved the pup before starting the blog, so some of this blog will be happening in- what I like to call "Real Time" and other blog posts will jump back to the past, when I was still in the "Puppy Planning Stages".

I am not an expert, this is just the way I have chosen to do this, and hopefully it will help future dog owners prepare for some of the hardships, challenges and adventures that come with raising a dog.

Please join me, a first time dog owner, and B7, a first time dog, while we discover the adventure we are embarking on together.

Pictures to come soon!
