Saturday 10 May 2014

The Fast and the Furiest

Today Wash and I got up early and drove out to Hamilton where we registered for an owner and dog 5K run. I completed a 5K run last fall and loved it, and thought it would be a great experience with the dog. So, when I heard about this race from Wash's trainer I was all too eager to enter.

Washburn and I hadn't trained very well prior to the race, and are both feeling a little out of shape after the harsh winter, but this gave us the excuse to get out and give it all we had!

We were thrilled that Jason joined us. He didn't run, but he was a valuable member of the team. He was our driver, our cheerleader, our photographer and the one that kept reminding us to stay hydrated. I'm so glad he could be there with us.

The race was tough. Not because of the length, but because of all the distractions. There were dogs EVERYWHERE. It was really hard for Washburn to focus on running. Instead, I found that he focused on chasing the dogs in front of us. He practically pulled me through the first Kilometre, then he was so exhausted from chasing other dogs that he slowed to a walk! It was all I could do to keep him going.

We stopped at every watering station but kept trucking along. I had to laugh as we approached Kilometre 4 and Wash started to do the poop waddle. I stopped briefly, only to realize he was staling for time! So I pulled him along and we raced ahead of 3 dogs in front of us and finished the race in 32 minutes (we think). I was so focused on the finish line that I didn't even see our photographer, Jason, waiting by the finish line. Apparently I ruined all the shots by running behind other runners and dogs. But the race wasn't about the pictures, it was about the time and experience with our dog.

I think, despite his exhaustion, that he really enjoyed himself. I know I did.

The weather was sunny, warm and windy. A perfect combination for a run.

We hope to do more of these events in the near future.
Exhausted and passed out on the car ride home


Friday 28 March 2014

Catching up

Washburn is doing really well. Here's a fast overview of the past several months.

This summer Wash learned a lot: he can run beside me as I walk, run or bike. He's learned how to walk with me as I learn to roller blade. He learned to swim. He went camping. He went to a paintball competition, and a Triathlon (as a spectator; we were cheering as my husband competed). He went on a boat, in different cars and in a truck. He met TONS of people and made lots of dog friends.

We learned that there is one dog park near us that we don't like (unfriendly dogs and a pond that I'm convinced is being poisoned by an angry neighbour; it's made Wash violently ill twice.)

I had no idea it would be difficult to train a Doodle to like water. It took a lot of play time, examples set by other water dogs and falling into a pool before he learned that he really likes water!

My husband and I got married in October, and Wash went to stay with a friend for 2 weeks while we were on our Honeymoon. He had a great time. He loves that family, and adores their Great Dane. She's a beautiful girl named Fiona. On top of all that, before the wedding, Wash moved from my apartment to the place we would be living after the wedding and learned how to live in the new house with my husband before I moved in.

He's had a rough winter though, with days so cold his nose was cracking and he didn't want to go on his full walk, to ice storms that made walking so dangerous we had to go for our walks at Petsmart instead of outside. Actually the ice storm knocked out our power and Wash ended up coming to work with me where we still had heat so he didn't freeze at home.

To prevent his nose from cracking in the cold I got a vaseline based lip balm for him and applied in before letting him outside.

Christmas was hard; for all involved. As out first Christmas as a married couple Jason and I had 8 Christmases to attend, (back to back). So Wash did a lot of travelling and was on his best behaviour around all of our grandparents, some of whom are occasionally unsteady on their feet.

It's been a crazy several months and it seems to have helped shape Washburn into the wonderful, gentle and fun loving animal he is. I am so grateful for the patience he has learned.

He's just the sweetest thing. Here are some pictures to catch you up on the cuteness!
Allowed up on the bed to cuddle me during my latest recover from a relapse of my MS symptoms

At our friend's cottage with his friend Merry!


Completely relaxed on the boat

exhausted after a long weekend

this is how he sleeps. Silly goose!

He fell in the pool :P 

At the OSPCA waiting to go in and get neutered

Even after surgery I can't go to the bathroom without being followed

He eventually figured out how to chew his stick while wearing the cone of shame

Learning patience!

After cooling down in a mud puddle
Christmas photo!

Christmas Dog! in his special occasions bowtie

on one of our many freezing walks

"What do you mean I'm muddy?"

Hair of the dog


Washburn is currently 1 1/2 years old.
Was neutered at 9 months.
He weighs 65 lbs
Has completed all of his training at Petsmart.
We are currently training for a 5 K dog/ owner Run

He's a happy poochy! and we couldn't be happier with him.
