Saturday 20 July 2013

Neuter Recovery

While at the Ontario SPCA before I picked up Washburn they told me that most dogs will be a little lethargic after the surgery and some dogs don't change at all and behave as though nothing has happened. Wash is definitely the latter. He has so much energy and just wants to run around. He has no interest in sleeping most of the day, which he should do.

During his recovery Wash has to take it slow. No running, no jumping, limited use of stairs and minimal exercise. It's very difficult for him. He's resulted to chasing his tail because he's been cooped up so long, and it's day 6 of 10-14 of his recovery. 

Yesterday while unsure of how to release pent up energy Wash ran headfirst into  a bookshelf. It really wasn't that hard, or bad but the angle was such that he snapped a large portion of his e-collar. 

This week, as long as his incision site keeps healing properly, Wash will be able to start longer walks. Wednesday he should be able to go back to socializing with other dogs (at day 10 of recovery) but I have to keep an eye out to make sure the other dogs don`t lick his wound and either agravate it, or infect it. 
He will be returning to his training on Friday, and Sunday he`s back to normal! (as long as his recovery is consistent)

Wash is doing well despite the cone!

So close, but not quite right...


It took him a long time, but he finally figured out how to chew on the stick


Monday 15 July 2013


Today Wash had an appointment with the Ontario SPCA to have him neutered. Everything went really well, he's home now and resting but I thought I could walk my readers through the whole process.

When I was first talking about getting a dog I went to many different Vets to price out Shots, Check ups and especially the Neutering. The cheapest cost I had found for Neutering was $350. Ouch.

Then I had a friend mention that the SPCA does Spays and Neuters for much cheaper (they also do vaccines and micro chips). For a dog Wash's size the SPCA was going to charge $105. HUGE SAVINGS.

I called the SPCA to set up a date, and normally there is a 2-3 month waiting list for neuters and spays. During the booking phone call they asked for Wash's medical history, his Vet's information (so they could get a copy of the shots he'd received) and they had me pay over the phone. It was very convenient and fast. They even went through the procedure and post operation care. It was great!

The day before there was a little bit of prep before hand: Wash wasn't allowed to eat anything from 6:00 pm the night before the surgery (since he was going under general anaesthetic, food makes it very dangerous because he could vomit and choke on the vomit). He couldn't eat ANYTHING! No bugs, no sticks, no treats, no grass... quite the challenge whenever I took him for a pee walk.

In the car at the SPCA waiting for the doors to open. (He has no idea what's about to happen)

Today at 8:00 am it started with registration, and unfortunately throughout everything they told me and prepared me for, they didn't tell me that the dogs were required to stay in our cars until we had finished registration and it would be a good idea to have 2 people at the start of the day, 1- to stay in the car with the dog, the other to register the dog.)

I was so much more nervous about leaving Wash in the car than I was about the surgery. Even with the windows open, it was so hot!

Unbelievably this sign was right beside me in the registration line up.

Wash was ok, but yeeesh it made me nervous! He was in the car for a little over 20 minutes... faaaar too long. 

Then he got his coloured collar with his name- kind of like a wristband at a concert or theme park and I had to leave him and pick him up at 4:00 pm. 

When I got to the SPCA a little before 4 I could hear Wash's lamenting cries. He didn't sound like he was in pain, he sounded lonely. It was the same cry he does when I leave the house. I knew he was ok when I could hear him from outside the building. If he was sick or sore, he would have been silent. 

He's now at home, in his e-collar and resting. 

The SPCA suggested lots of rest, and recovery time from 7-14 days. 

-No running
-Lots of rest
-No big walks
-Keep the collar on to discourage biting and licking of his surgery site
-Keep him isolated from other dogs to discourage rough housing, or the other dog licking the surgery site
-Avoid stairs. If stairs are unavoidable pick up the dog. If the dog is too big to be carried up or down stairs take them by the collar and slowly lead them step by step up or down the stairs to avoid pulling the stitches

I was given 2 days worth of pain medication for Wash. 2 syringes of medication to be spread over his food, or given orally at breakfast for the next 2 days, as well as some reading about the surgery and what to expect, and what to look for as "bad signs". For example: Swelling is expected, oozing is not and must be treated by a Veterinarian. 

Curled up at my side getting love and affection.

Wash will have a very boring next 2 weeks, but by the end of it he'll be fit to prance and run around to his hearts' content. I'll take him to many dog parks to make up for the slow, boring recovery weeks. 

If I've missed any steps, or if you have any questions please ask!!!

-Brandolyn and Washburn

Also: For those who love other fuzzy creatures: This is Steve. He wanted to come home with me.

It took every ounce of my willpower not to take him home!

Saturday 6 July 2013

Happy Canada Day!

Wash and I were away with the family for the Holiday weekend, but Wash was showing his patriotic side and I had to share!