Wednesday 26 December 2012

Training, Weather and Clothes!

Today I went for a bit of Boxing Day Shopping and overheated in the stores. 
It was funny because I realised I was still dressed in my morning "Dog Walking" attire: A turtle neck, a sweater, my fleece pants and my winter jacket. Which is far too many layers for heated and crowded stores.
When I got home I got dressed in my bathing suit, ready to go for a quick dip in the hot tub, when Wash decided he had too much energy and needed to run around NOW!

Of course as a new dog owner, I've had to dash out for puppy pee runs in all manner of clothes, not excluding my Pyjamas. I've even had to leap out of the shower (wet hair and all), toss on a shirt and pants and run out in my bare feet, but today all I had were my father's old running shoes and a bathing suit... and let me just say, the winter weather was a tiny bit chilly!

Wash is in his glory running around in the snow, I'm quite cold but happy to play and Kaylee (on the steps of the Gazebo) thinks we're both nuts and just wants to go inside.

Happy Boxing Day!


Tuesday 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from myself and Washburn!

Wash is really enjoying the Holidays. Lots of car travel, lots of new people to meet, and lots of cats! This weekend he was outnumbered, 1 Wash to 5 Cats! And it went really well, I am very proud of my pup!

Have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! Drive safe, stay warm, enjoy your family and enjoy bringing in the new year.


Friday 21 December 2012


My newest discovery as a dog owner is how much you have to pack when getting ready to travel.

Currently my version of traveling is an overnight trip to my grandparents' place for Christmas. Not over the top, not a long trip and not even very far. One night. 20 hours total, and this is what I'm bringing. (please note that my puppy is still only 11 weeks old, so some of this is superfluous for an older dog, and probably a little in excess anyway. I'll re-evaluate my list after the trip to see what I could have left at home and what I forgot to bring.)

1- A Crate.
Originally in choosing Wash's crate I was looking for something that was functional in my place, and would collapse for easy travel. The one I'm borrowing is exactly that- but HUGE. Fortunately, as an early Christmas present my parents bought Wash a smaller, collapsible, cloth crate. Which will travel perfectly.

2- Leash.
3- Food Bowls.
4- Towel.
Dogs get dirty. Especially curly haired ones, and they get wet in the snow! Gotta be ready for the post walk clean up!
5-Blankets x2
One blanket goes in his crate, the other gets draped over top so that he can't see and doesn't complain when I leave the room. He likes his dark little cave.
6- Toys.
7- Cleaners.
I'm bring de-oderizing cleaners. One for carpets, and one for tile flooring.
8- Extra poop bags.
9- FOOD!
(Believe it or not, I missed this in my original list...)

It's unbelievable, I feel like a parent packing their kid for camp!


Wash update:

-11 weeks old
-still heavily licking everything, so i am changing up his food in the hopes that his new food will give him all the nutrients he needs.
-teething and enjoys chew toys

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Puppies, Dogs, Owners, the Generic Public and Allergi

I have never allowed a dog to lick my face, and am currently trying to train Wash not to.
I have been told that this is weird, odd and I've had people ask me "Why do you bother?" and  beyond the simple answer of "I know that they clean themselves with that tongue" the answer is easy, because of allergies.

I mentioned in my last post that most dog toothpaste is  flavoured with Peanut Butter but unfortunately that's not the only thing to be on the look out for. Some dog foods, but mainly many dog treats (especially home made treats) are flavoured with peanut butter. These are fairly easy to deal with for your with dog- just make sure you take the same care reading the ingredients to your dog's food as you do to your own.

Where it becomes tricky is when it comes to other people's dogs. You have no control over what other dog owners feed their pets, so I would just suggest you avoid letting a stranger's dog lick you.

Strangers often see a dog and leap at the opportunity to give it a treat. If you have concerns, whether for yourself or perhaps your dog has an allergy of its own, kindly explain that your dog doesn't eat treats but instead they could pat your dog.

I had a friend who was walking her dog and a stranger walked up and fed her puppy a reeses peanut butter cup without asking or thinking about what she had just fed the dog. Not only was it peanut butter but it was a human treat that contained chocolate- which is toxic for dogs, not to mention small puppies.I feel that I need to mention that the puppy was fine, but his owner was very upset. KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR STRANGERS.

Many owners will suggest putting a big glob of peanut butter on the inside of a dog's Kong toy to give them an extra treat and challenge but if you're like me and that doesn't work for you some people suggest cheese wiz, but since cheese dulls a dog's nose, I just use some doggy toothpaste.

If you have an allergy, any allergy, then you know that generally speaking people are in the dark about how serious it can be and especially don't consider them when feeding their dog. You don't have to avoid other dogs, just be aware :)

Maybe I should get Wash a little nut free tag to go on his collar, specially if I'm going to get him certified as a therapy dog.


Monday 17 December 2012

Home for 2 weeks

So, Wash and I have been together for 2 weeks already.

It's amazing how fast time passes when your every waking moment is focused on a troublesome pup. To be perfectly honest Wash isn't that much of a trouble maker, and as far as puppies come, he's a bright little boy, who just wants to know the ground rules.

He now sits at the sound of a snap (unless there are mountains of distractions around) and stays when I show him my palm (like a "stop") until I slap my thigh twice signalling him to "come". He can stay comfortably for 30 seconds so far, and for a 10 week old puppy, with a small attention span I'm really impressed.

He is also letting me bush his teeth, clip his nails and even trim the long, unruly hairs around his face. Of course all of these must be done with the proper equipment- please do not give Human toothpaste to Dogs. It can be very harmful to them, and the Dog toothpaste is designed to keep cleaning even after you stop brushing.

**Please be advised IF YOU HAVE A NUT ALLERGY: Most dog toothpaste is "Peanut butter flavoured" and uses natural peanut flavour. ** But there is an alternative for pet owners who want a Peanut Free Dog with Healthy Teeth and Good Breath, there are other less popular flavours such as Poultry (Wash has the Poultry Flavoured one- and he LOVES it)

Also, please use be very careful about grooming your dog, there is a reason there are certified groomers. They are taught what different breeds need for grooming, and how to do it properly. If you choose to do some at home maintenance like me, please use proper grooming safety scissors, and be VERY careful. Puppies and Dogs squirm and twitch, you do not want to accidentally hurt your pup, so make sure he or she is calm, and has sniffed the instrument you are using. Also move the tool about, snip the air, and get the pup used to the sounds it makes. Take it slow :)

With it being winter, the ground and the air are getting wetter and the typical "Wet Dog Smell" is becoming increasingly likely. Wash and I go outside and we both get covered in mud, and salt, and sweat, but the big difference between us is that I can hop in the shower when I get home, Wash shouldn't. Because of the essential oils in their coats it is highly recommended that you don't shower your dog any more than 1 time a month. I use a wet towel (without any soap or shampoos that would dry out his skin and hair) and clean him off that way, but there is a "Dog Deodorant" which isn't as ridiculous as it sounds. It's a spray that doesn't dry out the dog's coat, and makes them smell nice. Nice and simple.

Right now Wash is a very happy puppy and I can't wait for the next 2 weeks to be over, if only because then he'll have his second set of shots and be able to be socialized with other dogs!


Wash Update:

-10 weeks old
-eyes still foggy at night
-goes on several short walks a day (no long walks yet)
-umbilical training
-sit/ stay
-getting used to generic grooming maintenance

Friday 14 December 2012

Home for a week

Well, Wash is settled in and I couldn't be happier!

He's a healthy boy, who seems to keep growing in front of my eyes. Every morning I wake up and he looks taller, more co-ordinated, and his tail even looks longer! (I understand that it's just his hair that's growing and making his tail look longer, but wow!)

We have been teaching each other a lot in the past week. I'm currently without Internet, so I can't update as much as I would like to, but perhaps that is for the best until I get over my "OMGMYDOGISSOCUTELOOKATHIM" phase.

Among the biggest things we are learning are:

Me: Puppy Pee Schedule- Seriously, plot this. Write down every time he drinks and every time he pees or poops. I haven't, but I am with him constantly and I have gotten to know the signs- but it would be much easier if I had it written out so I could start to anticipate him and avoid accidents. Wash is really great at letting me know when he has to go out, but I am going to start plotting is bathroom schedule ASAP.

Wash: Wash is learning to let me know when he has to go out. He is getting used to the rules around the house: no biting, no barking, don't lick the table legs etc.

Wash: is also learning how to walk on a leash. We started umbilical training late last week, and he is learning to watch me, and pay attention to me when we go outside. He is very aware of cars and  always sits when a car is passing. He is still very shy with new people, but he's a puppy and I'm OK with him taking his time to get to know people.

Wash: Socialization with other animals is hard at this age. He's 10 weeks old today, and hasn't had his 2nd set of shots yet, which means that socializing him with other dogs is dangerous because they could be carrying things that could make him really sick or even kill him. So until his next vet visit I am socializing him with cats :)

So far he is really well behaved around cats. He's cautious, but curious about them and has made a friend with my family's cat (his Firefly name buddy) Kaylee. They aren't playing together yet, but Kaylee stays close to him. She is genuinely intrigued by him :) and he loves her.

We're teaching each other a lot and I am feeling so lucky to have this little man in my life right now!


Wash Update:

-9 weeks old
-eating hard kibble
-started sit/ stay training- His attention span in very short at this age
-socialization with people and cats- no dogs yet
-short walks. He likes to get out, but his bones are still growing, so he shouldn't do long hard walks yet